
Her 43 years of experience in the produce industry began at the young age of 13 years old, as a secretary at a produce buying company in Montreal, QC. By the age of 20, she was the manager of operations and sales for 7 years at a produce wholesale company, giving her the tools and skills to obtain a head of sales position in a temperature monitoring company that moved her to the US; adding to her repertoire that is now offered within J V Steele, Inc. She has been buying, selling and developing programs for 30+ years. Today, she has developed numerous buying and selling relationships globally, making her one of the few small US companies that have successfully imported and exported throughout the years, as well as cross branding multiple brands between North America and Europe.
Throughout her entire career, she has dealt with numerous medical conditions, inspiring her to create a world of “cause marketing” brands to bring awareness  to diseases like hers and others around the world. She believes that no one should have to go through life without answers, thus using the fresh produce world as a platform to help others. Out of all of the brands J V Steele, Inc has created, she is particularly connected to “I’m Still Good™”, which is her favorite thing to say to herself at the end of a hard days work. No matter what challenges life throws your way, remind yourself that you are still good!

Branding & Marketing
Global Sales
Specialty Contracts